OPC stands for One Person Company. It has certain restrictions which a private limited company doesn't have.A OPC doesn't allow;more than one investor to invest in the company, a member to invest more than Rs 50 lakh as paid-up share capital, to have turnover of more than Rs 2 Crore.One Person Company is a best choice when the business is small and you don't want … [Read more...] about How to convert a OPC to Private Limited – A step by step guide
company law
When you can convert a One person company to private limited
Concept of one person company or OPC has been introduced in India by the Companies act, 2013.As per the provisions, one member with a nominee can form a OPC by registering it with the ministry of corporate affairs.Nominee is a person who becomes member of the One Person Company in case of death or any other incapacity of the member.One person company has certain … [Read more...] about When you can convert a One person company to private limited
Top 10 post incorporation compliance applicable to OPC – One person company
A one person company is required to comply to companies act, 2013 and income tax act,1961 in addition to other applicable laws.You need to remember certain mandatory compliance applicable to a one person company in order to avoid penalties and non compliance issues.In this article, we have listed top 10 post incorporation compliance to help you understand the … [Read more...] about Top 10 post incorporation compliance applicable to OPC – One person company
10 things you must know before registering a One Person Company – OPC
To form a private limited company, you require a minimum number of 2 directors and shareholders. If you are not finding anyone to join you, then better to start your business as a one person company (OPC).Similar to private limited, in a OPC both director and member can be the same person.While registering, you should not get certain things wrong as your application … [Read more...] about 10 things you must know before registering a One Person Company – OPC
One Person Company (OPC) in India: Registration, Benefits & Limits
Thinking about starting your own business in India but prefer to keep it small and manageable? A One Person Company (OPC) might be the perfect fit for you. It merges the advantages of a sole proprietorship and a private limited company, providing limited liability protection while keeping ownership simple.This type of company allows a single individual to own and run a … [Read more...] about One Person Company (OPC) in India: Registration, Benefits & Limits