In Company’s Letter Head
Date: 9th July 2022
XYZ Bank limited
XYZ Branch, D Street, Mumbai – 400 001
Sub: Proceedings of the Board Meeting held on 9th July 2022
Dear Sir /Madam,
With reference to the captioned subject, we hereby inform you that the Board of Directors of the Company at its meeting held on 9th July 2022, inter-alia other matters, has approved Mr. A Kumar and B Kumar being the director of the company to operate its bank account number XXXXXXXX at XYZ branch of XYZ Bank limited. A certified true copy of the resolution copy is attached herewith.
The said meeting commenced at 12:30 p.m. and concluded at 01:50 p.m.
Kindly take the same on your record and acknowledge.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
For ABC Limited
PQ Kumar
Managing Director
Encl: As above