CERTIFIED TRUE COPY OF THE RESOLUTION PASSED IN THE BOARD MEETING OF DIRECTOR OF THE ABC AGRO PRIVATE LIMITED HELD AT REGISTERED OFFICE OF THE COMPANY AT …………………………………………… (Address of regd. office of the company) AT ………….. (Time) ON ………………………….. (Date of the meeting).
The Chairman appraised that the name of the Company ABC AGRO PRIVATE LIMITED. does not suit and further the company could not carry on business activities as envisaged by the promoters at the time of incorporation of the Company, therefore, the directors have decided making changes in the name of the Company. He submitted that the existing name of the Company be changed from ABC AGRO PRIVATE LIMITED to some others names out of the following as the Registrar of Companies may allow. The Board considered and after some discussion passed the following resolution unanimously:
“RESOLVED THAT subject to the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 and reservation of name as may be provided by the Registrar and conformation of the members at the general meeting, the consent of the Board be and is hereby given to change the name of the Company from ABC AGRO PRIVATE LIMITED to any of the following names or such other names as may be made available by the Registrar of Companies, Odisha.
FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Shri A KUMAR, the Director of the Company be and is hereby authorized to submit the application for approval of reservation of name and to represent before the Registrar of Companies, and to give any clarification, information, make any corrections, alterations, deletion, additions in the applications including in the proposed name as may be required by the Registrar of Companies for that purpose.
FURTHER RESOLVED THAT an Extra Ordinary General Meeting of the Company be called after confirmation for reservation of name for approval of the members for change in the name of the company as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.
Certified True Copy
(DIN: ……………………….)
Note: This sample resolution provided only for your reference to help you draft your own. You are required to refer to relevant provisions of the companies act 2013 and other applicable laws while drafting.
You are also required following two documents to change company name;